DFSfootcare are thrilled to offer five clinics located in Annapolis Royal, Bridgetown, Clare, Digby and  Weymouth areas and aim to continue to develop a good standing within the community.

Our Passion, Our Promise!

DFSfootcare offer a safe, professional and effective podiatry service to all our clients. Our ultimate goal is to make your feet free from pain thereby improving your general health, well-being and overall quality of life whatever your age.

We are proud to say that we have developed into one of the best known practices along our shores. Our aim is to constantly improve our services and develop in ways that are beneficial to our clients.

What they are saying! ....

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    “my little toe was painful but after visiting DFS, a tiny corn was removed. Immediately, I was able to walk again without any pain!”

    Jason Thorne
    Bridgetown, NS
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    ” Great service. Professional. I felt comfortable and confident that he knew what he was doing!”

    Kathryn Stagge
    Weymouth, NS
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    “Nice guy!  Excellent service!  

    Stanley Dunne
    Digby, NS

Contact Us

Our offices are located in: Annapolis Royal, Bridgetown,
Clare, Digby and Weymouth. 


902 467 1234


Digby Professional Centre
74 Warwick Street
PO Box 1234, Digby
Nova Scotia, B0V 1A0